U-Pick Apples
SLO Creek farms is organizing a SLO Creek Farms Apples charity event this Saturday November 20th from 8am to 11am. It is $5 a person to enter, and we have people forming groups that bring their own boxes and help pick apples to donate to their charity of choice. The group that picks the most pounds of apples receives all the money of the entry fee, to donate to their favorite charity. This is a great event to donate SLO Creek Farms Apples to people that are hungry and less fortunate during the holiday season.
We also are forming groups to volunteer their time to make homemade apple pies to give to the homeless shelters for Thanksgiving, so the homeless can enjoy delicious pies too.
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SLO Creek Farms believes strongly in giving back to the community. What better way than to donate our delicious, pesticide free apples to the Food Bank. People are struggling in this day and time and we are happy to know that they may enjoy healthy delicious apples too. The Food Bank picked 3,000 pounds of apples this weekend. Thank you to them and Backyard Harvest for all their team effort in taking the time to pick those apples for others. You guys are amazing people with beautiful giving hearts, a true blessing to meet. Thank you
SLO Creek Farms is family owned and operated and is normally a commercial apple farm sending seven semi truck loads out to distribute. But this year we decided to open up a U-Pick to the public for the first time and keep our apples local in the San Luis area. We very excited about how successful the first year of the U-Pick has been.
This is also the first year we decided to go pesticide free, so you may eat our delicious apples right off the trees, making it a wonderful U-Pick experience. Many new and great exciting changes are happening. Thank you all of San Luis Obispo, Ca community for all your support and positive feedback and inspiring us to do this next year to. You guys bless us with your smiles everyday we see you. |
SLO Creek Farms
This is the SLO Creek Farms Blog, keeping you updated on the up and coming great things happening on SLO Creek Farms Apple Orchard. Categories
February 2013
SLO Creek Farms Location:
6455 Monte Rd SLO, Ca 93401 Phone: 702-245-3135 Hours: Closed Days open: Closed Until September 2025 Email: [email protected] http://www.slocreekfarms.com Facebook & Instagram: @SLOCreekFarms |